Sixth Form Pathways
There are four pathways available in the Sixth Form. Please see below for information on each of them as well as a link to our Sixth Form Prospectus.
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
This is a two-year college preparatory course of study. It provides breadth and academic rigour while developing independent study and initiative. It is sound preparation for university and the world of work. Students will either pursue the Diploma of the International Baccalaureate, or they will study a selection of Diploma Programme courses.
Subjects may be offered at higher or standard level, or both. Receipt of the Diploma of the International Baccalaureate requires the study of six subjects; three at higher level, and three at standard level. In addition to six subjects, students will be required to take the IB Diploma Core subjects: Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity, Action and Service.
International Baccalaureate Individual Subjects
This is a two-year college preparatory course of study. Students normally study 5 or 6 of the Diploma Programme courses, either at Higher Level or Standard Level. There are no particular requirements on subject choices however students should be selecting subjects that meet their college application requirements. Students are not required to take the IB Diploma Core subjects: Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity, Action and Service, however they can opt for them if they wish.
International Baccalaureate Careers-related Programme (IBCP)
The IBCP is a challenging two-year course for students aged 16-19. The Career-related Programme is a framework of international education that incorporates the vision and educational principles of the IB into a unique programme specifically developed for students who wish to engage in career-related learning. The IBCP’s flexible educational framework allows schools to meet the needs, backgrounds, and contexts of students. IBCP students engage with a rigorous program of study that genuinely interests them while gaining transferable and lifelong skills. IBCP requires the study of at least two IBDP courses alongside the unique Career-related Programme core and a career-related study.
The Career Related Study is the BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma which is an internationally recognised qualification. They are vocational and work-related courses, designed to accommodate the needs of employers and allow students to progress to further and higher education. A BTEC takes a practical approach to learning, without missing any of the important theory on the subject.
Bermuda College Dual Enrolment Programme
The Dual Enrolment Programme facilitates Warwick Academy (WA) Sixth Form students taking a number of IB subjects and earning Bermuda College (BC) credits over the two years towards an associate degree, or added to their transcript when they look to study overseas. They are technically part-time students at both WA and BC with the school acting as the wrapper to pull all the moving parts together. This means that WA remains the main point of contact and the student works with the Dual Enrolment Coordinator at BC when it comes to academic questions relating to their courses. At BC there are a variety of courses available to students and they can enroll in up to 6 credits, two academic courses each semester. The course selection and registration process is completed collaboratively by the student and the Bermuda College Dual Enrolment Coordinator.