Warwick Academy students are given a number of opportunities to perform.
These opportunities grow as they move through the school.
Drama is and can be many things – from a large West End show to a moment of interaction in a drama therapy setting. Indeed, one of its advantages is its flexibility: it adds value as a structured session or as opportunist moments we work into our everyday practice. It can be spontaneous or planned.
Whilst we do not have timetabled drama lessons in Primary students are given opportunities to present ideas, role play, work together to create presentations. All of these in an age appropriate way. These opportunities help to develop skills such as: team work, listening skills, emotional articulacy, oral fluency and an understanding of non-verbal communication. We believe we create confident students who are more than ready for their move to Secondary and timetabled drama lessons.
Each year there is also a secondary drama production, open to all Y7-Y13 students. The secondary show offers opportunities for acting, singing and dancing, as well as set design, costume, lighting, sound and stage management. With over 100 students regularly taking part, the experience is invaluable for those wanting to further their drama skills with likeminded people.
In addition, there are showcase performances for KS3 students. These are a chance to perform in a slightly more informal setting and help to build confidence and enjoyment of drama. Past events have included short comedy sketch scenes and ensemble presentations of plays.
Drama in the Curriculum
Primary R - Yr 6
Our R – Y3 students are involved in a Winter Concert that combines music and drama; with our Y3 students being given the opportunity to take roles in a short-themed story within the concert.
In Upper Primary our Y5 and 6 students can choose to be involved in our performing arts after school clubs and these lead up to our annual production in Term 2. As well as singing, dancing and acting there is the opportunity to work back stage to support the show.
Middle School Yr 7 - 9
All students in Y7-Y9 have weekly Drama lessons. They learn how to create characters that are different from themselves and work in role to explore different emotions and responses. The skills learned include acting and performance but there is also a large focus on developing the transferrable skills of communication and teamwork. The students respond to a variety of stimuli, with cross-curricular links with History, English, Science and more.
IGCSE Years Yr 10 - 11
Students can opt to take the IGCSE Drama course in Y10 and Y11. We follow the Cambridge specification which comprises of three performance exams and a written exam sat at the end of Y11. Performances are; solo, group scripted and group devised. Students learn how to move performances from page to stage, explore a variety of play scripts from around the world and create their own original work. Through practical and theoretical study, learners develop an understanding and enjoyment of drama; developing group and individual skills and studying ways to communicate ideas and feelings to an audience. They learn how to discover the performance possibilities of a text and other stimuli, and devise dramatic material of their own. The course offers opportunities for actors, directors and designers (costume, lighting, set, sound).
Sixth Form - Yr 12 - 13
Students can select HL/SL Theatre or Film from the IB Group 6 subjects.
The Theatre course involves practical and theoretical study of play scripts, practitioners and world theatre traditions. Students complete internal and external assessments in groups and on their own, consisting of written reports, presentations and performances.
The Film course provides opportunities for students to explore acting for film, as well as learning about scriptwriting, directing, cinematography and editing. Students complete internal and external assessments in the form of analysis essays, multi-media presentations, filmmaking and portfolio.
Drama Performances
Warwick Academy produce a secondary drama production each year, open to all Yr 7-Yr 13 students. The shows offer opportunities for acting, singing and dancing, as well as set design, costume, lighting, sound and stage management. With over 100 students regularly taking part, the experience is invaluable for those wanting to further their drama skills with like-minded people.
In addition, there are showcase performances for KS3 students. These are a chance to perform in a slightly more informal setting and help to build confidence and enjoyment of drama. Past events have included short comedy sketch scenes and ensemble presentations of plays.
Secondary Production coming in 2023 – Oliver!
Past Performances:
2022 – Thank You for the Musicals!
2020 – Matilda
2019 – We Will Rock You
2018 – Our House
Earlier - included Hairspray, Grease, Little Shop of Horrors, Chicago
Community Links
The Warwick Academy Drama department has forged excellent links and relationships with Bermuda’s theatrical community. Throughout the year, we offer an array of opportunities, including but not limited to:
- Performances – students are invited to watch performances from other schools, G+S, BMDS and visiting international companies
- Workshops – we arrange for professional actors and designers to work with our students in school, or in community spaces
- Youth Film Festival – a new initiative in Bermuda, WA students have had huge success entering this competition
- 24 Hours to Curtain – another new event offered to young people by BMDS, WA was well represented and are looking forward to taking part again
- Community performances – students take drama, music and dance performances to local residential homes, the airport, parks and beyond… We enjoy sharing our passion with as many others as possible
- Coming soon! – we will be offering overseas theatre trips to New York. Students will have the opportunity to watch professional performances, visit relevant sites and museums and take part in workshops (performance, devising and design)