The IGCSE Years (Year 10 - 11)
The Secondary School is committed to providing a curriculum that promotes an enjoyment and commitment to learning, stimulating the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all students. The curriculum builds on students' strengths, interests and experiences and develops their confidence in their capacity to learn and work independently and collaboratively. Central to this is the development of language, numerical, information and communication technology skills, in addition to developing students’ ability to think critically and rationally.
In Years 10 and 11, students follow the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum. It is the world’s most popular international qualification and serves to prepare students for Sixth Form. Subjects follow either the curriculum from Cambridge Assessment International Education or Pearson. There are a number of core subjects that all students take and a variety of optional subjects that students can select that will align with their plans for further education or career goals.
Students select their courses for the start of Year 10 and continue with them through to the end of Y11. Subjects are assessed at the end of the course through an external written exam. Some subjects also require students to complete a practical exam or submit a controlled assessment (coursework).
All students will take IGCSE exams in English Language, English Literature, Maths, French or Spanish and Global Citizenship. In addition to these, students are required to take one science subject and one Humanities based subject. Students can choose from: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Business Studies, Economics, Geography, History, ICT, Art, Computer Science, Design & Technology, Drama, Food & Nutrition, Music or Physical Education. Students are able to take 9 or 10 IGCSE subjects (which includes the mandatory core subjects).
Students will also receive (non-assessed) enrichment lessons in the form of Physical Education, Music or Skills which are designed to complement their IGCSE curricula.
Some students will receive a reduced curriculum to accommodate their Individual Learning Profiles (ILP’s).
The IGCSE years curriculum is enhanced by our extensive Co-curricular progamme which includes an activity afternoon on a Thursday.